Fairness and Right
We depend upon the universe to obey certain physical
laws, be governed by certain physical absolutes, and to have a certain
consistency to it. We thus expect electricity to act in a certain manner
as it flows through our computers, light bulbs, television sets, and stereos.
We expect certain behaviors in gasoline when we burn it in our cars, and
expect certain mechanical laws to govern what it does to the cylinders,
and gears of our engines and transmissions. Even in cases where these laws
might not seem to benefit us, as when they prevent us from, being able
to walk off of a cliff and look down at the ground without falling , or
make the groceries weight a bit more than we care for as we are going up
the stairs, we have no argument with them. Indeed, we would be confused,
dismayed, and frightened if these laws could not be depended upon. We accept
them for what they are, and understand that, though they may inconvenience
us at times, the universe would not work properly if they were not in place
and did not work consistently. We go to great lengths, training scientists
and engineers, to explore and learn these laws more completely so that
we can better work within their framework.
When it comes to moral absolutes however, we seem
to feel a bit differently. Perhaps we feel that we are not part of the
universe at all, and subject to no absolutes. Perhaps we feel that, unlike
mindless atoms, or dumb electrons, we are too smart to be hemmed in by
anything like absolutes. Still, we need something to satisfy our love of
order, and those who seek power need something by which to rule. It seems
that both sides have found it, in the concept of fairness. It should be
noted that, though there are absolutes in the nature of the universe, there
is nothing like the concept of fairness. Everything is constrained by the
nature of what it is, and by the physical laws ruling it's behavior. Period;
no argument, no appeal! Protons do not seek to become electrons, even though
fairness would dictate that they have a right to be whatever they want.
Matter does not arbitrarily decide not to be subject to the forces of gravity,
because neutrinos are not subject to it, making it unfair. Such application
of fairness as a replacement for physical attributes would be disastrous.
This example reveals fairness for the contrived artifice that it is. There
is no absolute basis for fairness; it exists only in the minds of men,
where it is easily manipulated. Without it's physical absolutes, the universe
could not exist. It may be that without moral absolutes we can not exist
as a free, civilized people. By abandoning moral absolutes, and replacing
them with ideas of fairness, we may be setting ourselves up for a collapse
of civilization, as certain as the collapse of the universe if physical
absolutes were to suddenly cease in their influence.
To most of us, the terms fairness, and right tend
to be synonymous. Strictly speaking, this is not true. Though they can
often be used in a similar fashion, they are different words designed to
convey different meanings. Both convey a sense of being in pursuit of "good",
though this, too, is often vaguely defined; what is good for me might not
be the same as what is good for you, and the phrase "This is for your own
good" has become synonymous with unpleasantness. Misuse of words aside,
in an ideal world, or in an ideal situation, fair, right, and good can
generally be thought of as the same thing. Matters are seldom ideal, however,
and the real world can be a bit more complicated. Fairness is a valid and
desirable goal in contests, sporting events, and other competitions. Fairness
simply conveys the idea of equality and balance; it does not acknowledge
the concepts of good and bad. It is not always an ideal ultimate goal to
What is fair may not always be what is right. This
may fly in the face of much of what was drummed into us as children, but
it is necessary to teach children a simple, defensible, and enforceable
code of conduct. This is particularly true in the public schools, where
more importance is placed on managing children than on teaching them, or
training their conscience. Actually, considering what has taken charge
of our schools these days, this is probably a good thing. Adulthood presumes
a certain deeper understanding, wisdom, and judgment, a sense of right
and wrong which can not be ascribed to children. Children do as they are
directed, getting away with what they can. Mature, reasoning adults, with
a moral sense, do what is right. One of the great problems in society is
that the world is getting to be filled with grownup clever children, rather
than reasoning adults.
So it seems as if morally, many of us have not grown
up, and possibly never will. This is a manifestation of the times we are
living in. The times that I am referring to are a product of the strange
set of social standards we are drafting (or having drafted) for ourselves
in which fair has become far more important than right. Indeed, right seems
to have almost completely disappeared from the way we go about our daily
business. Why might we want this?
People today, for whatever reason, are skeptical,
do not care to show trust or to take things on faith, and do not like to
see themselves under the limitations of moral absolutes. Fairness allows
us morally to operate within an argumentative framework, in which right
and wrong become variables. Moral absolutes permit nothing like this; they
are constant and unyielding. Fairness can be quantified, in a way that
right never can be. It is even possible to replace right with a sort of
a balancing of the load, where fairness turns right into an arbitrary thing.
Arbitrary morals, and arbitrary standards of right and wrong, are not standards
at all. Indeed, with arbitrary definitions, there is no right, or wrong,
only a sort of an equally balanced equation, whereby wrong is allowed,
as long as we are all permitted an equal amount of wrong. What is right
or wrong is up to the individual, as long as things are kept "fair". Of
course, fair can have some pretty arbitrary definitions too, particularly
where political considerations are involved.
Fair is more important than
right, to those who have been taught no moral sense. It is the great shortcut
for those who are strangers to moral absolutes, and who have been discouraged
from using their own judgment (even the word judgmental has taken on a
negative connotation). This is one of those odd, unintentional (or so I
hope) consequences of too much introspection and social consciousness in
the sixties and seventies. Fair is the ideal hand maiden of moral relativism.
Fair and it's partner "equal" have a mathematical symmetry to them, which
is much admired by the bureaucrat and the academic alike. Fair is also
easy to calculate, once you have learned the trick, in contrast to right,
which is weighed down with all of that moral, judgmental, and standards
stuff. Because of this, fair can be redefined, and recalculated in a way
that a moral absolute, like right, never can be.
From a strictly mathematical point of view, it can
be said that if good is not balanced on both sides, something good for
one side must be balanced out by removing something good from the other.
By such a definition then, there can be no absolute good, only a kind of
swapping around of good and bad. This is one of the great fallacies of
the cult of fairness. It is the reason that most of the progressive government
policies set up in the name of fairness are coercive. It also explains
the mindset behind quota systems, and confiscatory wealth redistribution
social programs.
Things can not be considered to be fair if
any undue recognition is given to the individual, thus fairness is a collective
quality. Indeed, being a comparative quality, fair can not exist for the
individual, but only has relevance when being applied to members of a group.
This makes it very attractive to the socialist, central planner, and for
those who have little respect for people as individuals. Fairness, and
those who worship it, are procedure oriented, because a procedure can be
quantified, and does not require judgment. Procedures can be made fair
under all circumstances by keeping them consistent, without reference to
circumstance. Making them right under all circumstances is probably not
possible. Right is always an elusive thing, whereas fair can be defined
almost at will, and broken down to a point where almost anyone can be made
to understand it. Fair allows us to have order, and a form of justice,
without invoking moral absolutes.
Actually, this sort of answers a number of
questions/complaints, about much of the well meaning (and not so well meaning)
foolishness going on these days. There are a number of people who are just
plain bad, and who do bad things for bad reasons, but they are a small
minority. Most of the day to day silliness that goes on is due to people
who do not know, or do not care to know, the difference between right and
wrong, and their numbers are on the increase. These people have been taught
that there is no objective standard for right and wrong, and that judgment
is a bad thing. They have been taught to replace right with fair, which
is to say, they have been taught to replace judgment with procedure.
The real danger of using fair instead of right,
is that fair is always subject to change, and to being redefined in a way
that right never can be. A good example of this concerns the race problems
that have plagued this nation for so long and that continue, in a more
subtle form, to do so today. Had we defined racism as being immoral, and
wrong (which some have), there may have been some chance of ending it.
Instead, we concentrated on how unfair it is to judge a man by color or
by race. Now this seems good enough in principle, but is actually a moral
shortcut, which led to all sorts of mischief latter on, and is responsible
for many of the racial problems we are enduring today. Even when believing
in something like an absolute, the moral relativists can't quite bring
themselves to invoke it.
The reason that much of our racial policy
(among others) is based upon fairness, rather than right, is that standards
of right and wrong are so difficult to argue for, without having to resort
to absolutes. Resorting to an absolute is abhorrent to the social progressives,
nearly all of whom are moral relativists. Thus, instead of saying that
it is wrong to give black children a poor education, we said it was unfair
to give them an education inferior to that of white children. Most of us
are familiar with what has happened to the schools since then. I suspect
that most black children in the horrible racist fifties, and sixties got
a far better education than most do in our current enlightened times. What
has changed is that public education has become equally dismal for blacks
and whites both. This is terrible and wrong, but at least it's fair by
the definitions of fairness that those in favor of revamping the schools
sought to invoke. Actually, by this standard, there was nothing much wrong
with slavery itself, except that there were no white slaves. Solving the
slavery issue in the way that the school issue was solved, would simply
mean legalizing the ownership of white slaves. This would have been perfectly
fair. Which brings me to the next point.
If a moral standard tells us that certain
acts are wrong, then moral behavior requires that we must stop these acts.
If a fairness standard tells us that certain acts are unfair, we must first
define the way in which they are unfair, then we must balance the equation.
In the case of fair, two wrongs are able to balance each other out, and
really do make a right. It might also be noted that, in the case of fair,
the wrong act need not be discontinued, as long as it is balanced out,
or applied consistently. Thus an airport screener harassing an innocent
passenger at an airport is not wrong as long as other passengers are also
harassed. Furthermore, it becomes unfair not to harass all of the passengers
if a single passenger is subject to harassment. Such a mindset also results
in the destructive affirmative action programs, and the silliness of zero
tolerance. This kind of thinking(?) is what we have used to replace reason,
judgment, and the moral code by which we once lived.
Thus, if you knock an old lady to the ground, and
break her hip because she slipped through the screening area, you are not
held accountable if you were following procedure. This is true, even if
she is found to have no suspect items on her person. On the other hand,
if you allow the old lady through, doing no harm to anyone, you are in
big trouble because you violated procedure. You were not fair to the people
who had to be searched. This is why I am aware of at least one incident
in which the pilot was detained, because some disallowed item (in one case,
a small folding knife) was found. No one really thought that the pilot
was going to put a knife to his own throat, and hijack his own plane, but
fair is fair.
This mindset is not limited to government
workers, or even to people of marginal intelligence. Many talented, and
bright people operate under the same constraint of moral judgment. It has
nothing to do with low intelligence, though low intelligence certainly
does make it more palatable. Lawyers are notorious for showing no concern
over the guilt or innocence of their clients; they are not concerned with
right. A lawyer interested in right would refuse to defend a man that he
knows to be guilty, while one only interested in fair, would have no such
concerns, only noting that it would be "unfair" not to defend him. This
is not because the lawyer is unable to understand moral absolutes (though
I sometimes wonder) but rather that he prefers to put what is fair above
what is right. Part of the reason for this is that fair is just plain easy,
compared to right. In order to establish right, a serious look would have
to be taken and some hard decisions made. In order to calculate fair, one
need only say that everyone should be treated equally. Though people have
many criticisms of lawyers, low intelligence is not one of them. Lawyers
have also done a considerable amount of damage to our concept ot what is
fair, and what is right. Justice has been turned into a sort of a game,
a logical exercise in which victory goes to he who can outmaneuver his
opponent; right and wrong bear little consideration. Fair, being somewhat
of a variable, is also easy to maneuver and manipulate. This type of thing
twists the nature of law, transforming it into a tool with which justice
is continually redefined to suit the needs of the moment, the client, or
the lawyer.
Right now, there is a real battle going on between
those believing in moral absolutes, and those who follow moral relativism.
Both seek to mold the culture. Liberals, as moral relativists, tend to
be concerned, obsessed really, by what is measurably fair. Conservatives
seek to have standards of what is right. Both sides, at their best claim
to seek freedom, at their worst, both sides seek to impose order. This
may be part of the problem that many leftists have with religion, and may
explain why conservatives place a higher value on it. God has no arbitrary
definitions of what is right. He is quite exact, and explicit on what his
standards are (yes, he has standards too). The Bible also shows a slightly
different take on what is fair, than the one which most liberals have.
In most religions, it is up to the individual to measure up, and to make
peace with God. So religion is based upon a number of moral absolutes,
and upon a certain premise of individuality, and of individual responsibility.
The religion of the moral relativists can be summed
up by one of their favorite phrases: "There is no right or wrong, merely
different interpretations of right." This sounds very noble, forgiving
, and profound, but in reality is advocating an abandonment of morals and
of moral standards. There is a kind of self satisfied smugness inherent
in statements such as this. The moral relativists are declaring their superiority
over the rest of us here. They are not constrained by the moral absolutes
that guide the rest of us; they see themselves as having risen above such
things. Well, in actuality they have done no such thing. Rather than rising
above, they have sunk below such things as moral absolutes, blinding themselves
to the difference between right and wrong. Many have taken things so far
as to equate morals with repression. A strict interpretation of this yields
the conclusion that Hitler was not wrong; he merely had a different interpretation
of right. The same can then be said of Stalin, Castro, Sadaan Hussein,
Bill Clinton, crooked politicians, dishonest businessmen, and unscrupulous
bureaucrats. It can also, by extension, be claimed to apply to petty criminals,
muggers, burglars, even murderers. It can be claimed, sometimes truthfully,
that all have their own codes to which they are loyal.
Moral authority is higher than government authority,
if one believes in moral absolutes; on the other hand, Government authority
is higher than moral authority, if one does not. How can I say this? Humans
are a rather social, orderly bunch; we do not, as a whole, really care
for anarchy. Once moral absolutes are done away with, we still need some
code by which to live, maintain order, and get along with each other. Unfortunately,
in the absence of allegiance to moral absolutes, and to religion, the only
guide that people can turn to is the government. This is unfortunate because
according to Jefferson, government is, like fire, "a dangerous servant,
and a fearful master." It is certainly no coincidence that in many despotic
regimes, one of the first things to go is the idea of moral absolutes (interestingly,
this is quickly followed by religion, and the family; two other influences
to possibly rival that of the government).
In a society that does not believe in moral absolutes,
the main instrument of fairness is the bureaucracy. Since a bureaucracy,
by it's nature, does not have policy making powers, it's power comes entirely
from enforcing policy handed down from above. This pretty well explains
the "Rules are Rules" attitude that bureaucracy universally shows. Why
does the mindlessness of bureaucracy drive us all nuts? Mainly because
it outrages our inborn moral sense, as dormant as it often is these days.
A bureaucratic mind does not look too deeply into what it busies it's hands
with. You will never be able to reason with people who think this way,
the basis of right and wrong. Though you may be able to convince them that
they are wrong, this will be no victory. They will not understand the relevance
of being wrong, when they are able to say that they are being fair. If
you need to invoke the doctrine of fairness to defend some act, then the
act is almost certainly wrong. This is a beloved defense of the lazy, bureaucratic,
or small mind. It is also a great way to shore up an argument which is
morally indefensible.
You can not have both freedom, and equality. This
statement is so insightful, and obvious, that it is shocking to me that
so few people seem to understand or believe this. It is this basic truth
which makes our current obsession with whatever the definition of fairness
is these days, so frightening. Those who set themselves up as the untiring
advocates of fairness are the natural enemies of freedom. People can easily
be brow beaten into supporting the removal of their rights, and into giving
up control of their lives by convincing them that these things need be
done in the name of fairness. Any who would oppose such measures are immediately
consigned to the moral low ground, categorized as selfish, or worse. As
a means to get your political way, "fair" is easily as good an all purpose
argument as "for the children".
In the short term, what all of this adds up
to is a baggage checker who insists on frisking the old lady, strip searching
an old man, not allowing a veteran on a plane with a medal, and not allowing
Marines in uniform to have their service weapons. In the long term, I shudder
to think, but I foresee a world in which form and structure become more
important that function and purpose. Really, in too many ways, we are already
in that world.. The underachievers searching passengers at the airport
were certainly wrong to give so much attention to these people, but they
were fair. For the bureaucratic, procedure oriented mind of the average
airport screener, this is all that matters. Most do not truly see their
jobs as insuring safer air travel (for many passengers, the biggest danger
seems to be the airport screeners), rather, they see their function as
insuring all passengers are checked in a fair manner, and given equal consideration.
Whether or not this does any good, is not their concern; their only job
is to search passengers according to procedure and strict guidelines of
fairness (just following orders sir; everyone has to go through it).
While I have no wish to die before my time (that
would be unfair), I am not looking forward to living long enough to see
the progress of the next 25-40 years (my probable lifespan), and the brave
new world that the forces of political correctness are engineering for
us. I think that certain things, like the airport security charade, the
DMCA, and the various other encroachments upon the individual by the hive,
are indicators of what the future might have in store for us. I can not
see a culture surviving after being remade in such an image.