More of the Badlands
Because one page is not bad enough

This odd looking bit of green is the result of patching and quilting an area that was slumped down by a landslide.
A Yucca plant. There were a number of these, along with many other cacti, and succulents, throughout the Badlands. 
Some of the formation across the road from the campgrounds.
The campground area.
More of the campground area
Our trusty steed.
The camping areas, as we all begin to settle in for the evening. 
This is a long shot of the ampitheater area where the night talks, and some of the other programs are presented.
The camp road. This was the little gravel road which ran between the campgrounds, park road, and ranger station. 5 MPH speeds were posted, but often exceeded. Going too fast raised a cloud of dust which was not a good way to endear ones self to the other campers.
Our little home away from home, for a while. Actually, the only thing we really did here was sleep. Days were spent ether hiking, or escaping the heat in the lodge. We went through gallons of spring water.
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