Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The X-10 reactor
was originally designed to provide plutonium, through neutron capture by uranium
238. Once the project got started, several buildings were raised to support
X-10, and do the chemical separation, of the gram quantities of plutonium being
produced. It was soon decided that this was too involved a project to be done
here, along with all of the other work, and that a much larger facility,
dedicated specifically to this task should be built. X-10 became a prototype for
the larger plant to be built in Hanford
Washington. In addition, much
work was done here on isotope research, and the reactor was run until 1963. The
surrounding area has grown into the ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), and is
one of the premier research and computing centers of the world.
Today, the ORNL
has more modern reactors, used in producing various isotopes for medical or
research uses. It is also the home of the Neutron Spallation Project, as well as
the High Flux Isotope Reactor; both are leading edge tools for physical
research, along with Oak Ridge’s
own linear accelerator. Other physics tools include the californium User
Facility, used for irradiating projects with high energy neutrons, the Center
for Neutron Scattering, and a radioactive ion beam source. There is also a
nanotechnology center, biotechnology facilities, and numerous materials and
industrial research labs.
Because this is a national
laboratory, it is an open lab, available to researchers, industry, or even
individuals, provided they can submit an acceptable proposal. Proprietary
research, which is not shared, must be paid for; but any researcher who
publishes work done here, uses the facilities free of charge. This is the system
under which all national laboratories work.
Welcome to oak Ridge National laboratory. The
facility is gated; but it is not a high security compound like Y-12.
Security here is probably no more than what you would find at most
factories, or offices. |
Many of the old
structures still remain, though their numbers are diminishing.
Below is the radioactive ion beam facility - only one of the many tools
and labs available here. |
Like Argonne, Fermi, and the other national
laboratories, ORNL is located in a very pleasant park like campus.
The administration building at ORNL. |
The main buildings of the campus. From here,
roads lead to the various labs, facilities, and research centers.
There are many legacies of the work done
here, not all of them welcome. |
One of the legacies of the place consists of
the few remaining structures from the early days. This particular
building was used by Einstein for some of his researches, which is one
of the reasons that it is still standing. Most of the other old wooden
building, as well as the early metal sheds are gone. |
In many ways, this and the other facilities
resemble large industrial plants. Most of the service buildings in this
photo are from the early days. |
Not all of the land taken was used. Much of
it was to provide cover and protection for the facilities. Many signs of
the little farm communities still stand, often in the form of churches
and cemeteries. |
This is a barricade, which is designed to be
raised in about a second, in case of a security breach. |
A more permanent barricade. A fair number of
these are visible throughout the grounds. |
The Spallation Neutron Source, used for high
speed neutron bombardment and experimentation. |
Heading toward the entrance to the spallation
complex. Much of the facility is underground. |
Most of the facility is off limits to
casual visitors. what we were allowed to see was the welcome center,
map, and a series of displays. |
This is as close to the
modern reactor at Oak Ridge as we are allowed to get. This is a research
reactor, which also produces a number of isotopes, some of which can be
purchased at
. |