The X-10 Reactor
The X-10 reactor ran from 1942 until
1963. In 1966 it was declared a national landmark. This was not the first
reactor, or even the second, though it is arguably the first reactor to be put
to practical use. This was, in actuality, a very simple device. It has been
described as a piece of twenty first century technology, using twentieth (or
even nineteenth) century methods. So what high tech materials, and high tech
design features were incorporated into this reactor? Well, the whole thing was
constructed of concrete, graphite blocks, pitch (yes pitch, like what you use on
your roof), and piping. There was not a mechanical moving part in the whole
device, and such a structure could have been built a hundred, or even a thousand
or more years ago, had humanity understood the physics involved. A gun, a
mechanical alarm clock, or even a doorbell is more complicated than a graphite
reactor. At it's most basic, this type of nuclear reactor is simply a collection
of regularly spaced tubes, set in concrete, and eventually in carbon (graphite).
It is not too far fetched to imagine the early English, or even the Romans
building such a device, had they known the theory. Certainly they had the
building techniques.
To make the whole thing work, fuel
must be inserted. The fuel used in this reactor is natural uranium. Much has
been made of enriched uranium, and various types of nuclear materials for
weapons, and power generation. The most common reactor in use today is the light
water reactor, which requires reactor grade uranium. Reactor grade uranium is
enriched to about 3% U235. Natural uranium only has 0.7% U235, and can not be
used in light water reactors. Nuclear bombs require 90% enrichment or better, as
do the breeder type reactors, and the fast reactors. Though they have many
disadvantages, the one great advantage of the graphite moderated reactor is that
it can use regular, non enriched uranium. This was the type of fuel used in this
first reactor; really, there was no choice. There would not be sufficient
enriched uranium for months, of not years, and that would be used for bomb
making. The only other type of reactor which can use natural uranium for fuel is
the heavy water reactor, and heavy water is exceptionally difficult to make in
the quantities required.
X-10 was not designed to produce
electricity, nor were the other early reactors designed for such a task. So why
build them? These early reactors were all designed as a part of the Manhattan
Project, to try and build a nuclear bomb. While certain parts of the project
labored to separate the small amounts of uranium 235 from the U238 of which most
of uranium consists, some scientists theorized that a new element, with an
atomic number of 94, would make a great nuclear explosive. This element did not
exist in nature; but could be made in a nuclear reactor. What made this such an
intriguing possibility, was the idea that this element could be made in a pure
isotopic form in a reactor, and then separated by simple chemical means, rather
than by the painstakingly slow, and energy intensive methods being used to
separate uranium. So this is what the early reactors were designed to do,
including the X-10 reactor at Oak Ridge. This new element was eventually to be
named plutonium. This is the element that makes up the pits (or cores) of the
vast majority of today's nuclear weapons.
Still, I may have overstated things
just a bit. Though the design of this type of reactor is simple, the fuel, and
some of the materials used are a bit fussy. The fuel slugs used must be
absolutely pure, though they do not need more than the natural 0.7%
concentration of U235. Also, the graphite used must be very pure, and free from
boron contamination, which was a problem that plagued early American reactor
building, and caused the German nuclear program to abandon graphite moderated
reactors altogether, and go off on a failed attempt to build a heavy water
reactor. Happily for the world, the Germans never were able to produce enough
heavy water to build their reactor.
This is the loading face, of the X-10
graphite reactor. The mission of this reactor was to produce plutonium
239, for possible use in a nuclear bomb. Fuel is loaded in small slugs,
that are pushed through the loading face with a metal rod - very high
tech. |
An indication of the height of the building.
while in operation, a man would stand poised, and the top of the
structure, to cut ropes, dump bucket of borated water, and enact the
other primitive safety features of the day. Compared with today's
boiling water reactors, or high pressure reactors, the old graphite
reactors were quite dangerous, and unpredictable. The infamous Chernobyl
reactor was of such a design. These make fairly poor power rectors; but
are quite good at producing usable plutonium. |
Our guide explains the workings of the
reactor. This reactor has been shut down since 1963, and preserved as a
monument. However, if it were required, the reactor could be put back in
to service. |
The talk is over, and we now have the run of
the place. Many wander around; but most will end up climbing the stairs
to the control room. At one time, this whole area was open to the
public, for casual visitation. |
Up we go, into the control room. This was the
very latest in top secret, high tech when it was built 60 years ago.
Much has changed since then. |
A couple of last looks at the loading face.
Unlike most power reactors, the graphite reactor can be loaded or
unloaded, one slug at a time, without shutting the whole reactor down.
This is idea for producing plutonium, because you need to get the
plutonium out, before it begins to fission as part of the reactor core.
This can not be easily done in a modern power reactor, but is quite
simple in a graphite reactor. Also note in the photo below, that the
entire platform on which the loaders stand is an elevator, allowing them
to reach all heights of the loading face. |
Latter on, there were some firefighting and
safety modifications added |
On display is the log book, including the
entries made when the reactor first went critical. |
A model purporting to show a single loading
tube. It can be seen the the concrete loading face serves to keep the
tubes aligned, and shields the loaders from heat and radiation. The face
is seven feet thick. There is then a three foot wide open air space,
which acts as a cooling duct. Finally , there is the graphite core
itself, all twenty four feet of it. So the reactor core is merely a
block of graphite, holding regularly spaced tubes, into which uranium
slugs are pushed by the loaders. |
This model of the reactor probably shows the
workings a bit better, and gives a sense of proportion. |
At the back of the reactor stands the core.
Just to the rear of the core is a pool, for storage of ejected slugs.
Once cooled in the pool, the slugs may be removed for processing, or for
separation of plutonium, or radioactive isotopes. |
A look at the side of the model, showing the
isotope rooms, where special isotopes may be made through irradiation of
various elements. |
Another side view of the reactor model.
Every student of chemistry or physics will
recognize the distinctive shape of the Periodic Table of the Elements.
In this case, each compartment has an element sample contained within.
Very interesting. |
A container for radioactive fuel. |
This is a major historic site, and is on many
registers of historic places. In addition, the site is particularly well
preserved. |