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CP1 - The first nuclear pile.
Also CP2, Site A and Plot M Within this extensive campus stands a large sculpture, on the east side of Ellis Avenue between 56th and 57th, wedged in between the Max Pelevsky Dormitory, and the tennis Generally, when people think of the development of nuclear energy, and of the atom bomb, visions of the Trinity site come to mind, or of Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, or possibly Hanford; but these places came latter, and were primarily chosen for their isolation. Chicago played a much larger role than most people realize, in the development of nuclear technology, as it still does. Even today, two of the largest nuclear physics facilities, Fermilab, and Argonne, are located on the outskirts of Chicago. The sculpture marks the site of the first controlled nuclear reaction. This reaction took place in what was called a nuclear pile; but which we today would call a nuclear reactor. It was the work of Enrico Fermi, and others, and was the culmination of the old experimental, philosophical physics, and the beginning of the new more hard edged practical physics. The gentleman physicists of the previous several generations were about to be replaced by a new breed, just as a century before, they had themselves replaced the old physicist/philosophers. Also due for replacement was the old Stagg Field, built at the turn of the century. Stagg field was torn down in 1957, including the stands under which the first pile was constructed. There is a new Stagg Field now, several blocks from this original site. One could have wished that they would have preserved at least the grandstands under which the pile was built; but this was not to be. The whole story is pretty fascinating, and yet it is only a single chapter in the development of nuclear technology. The site was chosen in part, due to a strike, which interfered in the construction of the pile. This first reactor was an example of primitive engineering, allied with advanced science. Men stood above the structure, armed with buckets of bromated water, prepared to douse the reactor, should things get out of hand. The structure itself was built from bricks, rods, and pellets. An assortment of scientists, military people, and various others stood on a stand above the floor where the pile stood, awaiting the results. The whole thing was top secret, and there are thus no photographs of this very historical event; but sketches, and artists depictions were latter drawn. Future events were more carefully recorded by what would then be a much more secure and confidant nation. Trinity was exceptionally well recorded, as was the loading and dropping of the first nuclear weapons, and the countless nuclear tests to come. A cadmium plated rod was slowly
withdrawn, by scientist George Weil, while every ear was cocked in rapt
attention, straining to hear the faint clicks from a radiation counter. Though
accounts vary, giving the moment of criticality as having occurred anywhere from
3:20, to 3:48, according to the official record, it was at CP1 was a relatively large and heavy
structure, and quite primitive, by today's standards. It nearly filled the 30 x
60 foot squash courts in which it was assembled. The framework was built of
wooden timbers, which supported the actual reactor components. These components
consisted of about 400 tons of graphite bricks, along with fissionables. The
energy came from over six tons of uranium, along with another 34 tons of uranium
oxide. The unit was
designed to be roughly spherical, or at least as spherical as a structure made
of bricks, and laid down by scientists could be. The wooden timbers supported
the narrower bottom portions of the squared off sphere, keeping the structure
from collapsing. The upper layers needed no support. A large, square balloon,
hung over the structure. This is the simplest, and most easily constructed, of
all of the reactor types, and is also the most dangerous. The fissionable materials were placed, as pellets, within the cavities of the graphite bricks. The graphite acted as a moderating material, slowing down the neutrons so that they could react with the uranium. This is the same material as is used in pencil leads, and is very slippery. The graphite bricks were constructed in a special workshop, and were machined with a pair of holes in each, so that each could contain two pellets of uranium oxide, or in some cases two pellets of actual uranium metal. The pellets were about the size and shape of hockey pucks. Fabricators, who worked on the project, commented that walking across the floor of the shop in which these bricks were made, was like walking across a skating rink, because of the graphite dust everywhere. A photo of one of the original bricks, on display at Argonne National Laboratory, is shown at right. Today, such a structure would not be
allowed in the center of a major city; but this was wartime. By today's
standards, this was an incredibly dangerous, insecure, and dirty device. America
has not built a graphite reactor since the forties, though this is the design
most often found in the former Soviet Union. There
was nothing like radiation shielding, no facility for cooling, and no barrier
other than the surrounding balloon, to keep any escaping nuclear particles
inside. Though there was no danger of anything like a nuclear explosion (which
requires quite a different kind of containment), there is always the possibility
of meltdown, or release of nuclear materials, as well as the radiation
![]() For the determined nuclear tourists, a visit to this nearby hillside might be in order. Officially, the spot is know as Site A, with a nearby area known as Plot M, and is a public space. As a matter of fact, you can go and have a picnic on the spot, if you like. There are bike trails and picnic areas all around the hill, as it is a part of a park preserve. The monitoring teams come to visit, every so often, and check levels of radiation, and of various chemicals. Buried at this spot are the remains of the first two nuclear reactors, which used the same nuclear materials. In February of 1943, for a number of reasons, CP1 was disassembled, and moved, to a spot about 25 - 30 miles outside of town, in the Argonne woods of the Pallos Park area, where it was reconstructed as CP2, in March of 1943. CP2 was essentially a reconstructed CP1, with a few safety improvements, some radiation shielding, and a more solid permanent structure. Bomb materials were actually produced by reactor, CP2, as well as by several others. The remains of CP2, and thus CP1, are encased in a concrete vault, and offer no radiation danger, in their present state. This site is about three miles from the present location of Argonne National Laboratory, in what is now a nature preserve. As with the site of CP1, the old Argonne National Laboratory, including the entombed remains of reactors CP1 and CP2, gives little indication of what it once was. As with the site on Ellis, there is nothing left but a marker, placed at the sites after the fact. What is truly amazing about the Pallos Woods section is how quickly and completely the woods have once again made the site their own. Without the markers, or a good map, you would never know what had once stood here. For anyone with any interest in the subject, I strongly recommend a visit to all three sites, which can be done in a single, somewhat busy day. As of this writing, Argonne National Laboratory has weekly tours, usually on Saturday mornings, or afternoons. It is a simple enough matter to visit the woods, either before an afternoon tour, or after a morning tour. These two sites compliment each other nicely. The Pallos Woods area is also quite nice, and is worthwhile just for the pleasant walk along it's shaded paths.