Another day in paradise
Rain on the first day, and oppressive heat for the remainder of our stay, made this visit a bit more reserved than it otherwise may have been. Still, though our spirits may here been a bit dampened, they were far from wilted.
My friend Megen poses in a rare section of shade on the rim walk. 
Overlooking the Badlands
A rib skirts the lower prairie, near one of the edges of the park. 
A view from the very top, at the first tourist stop near the entrance to the park. We can see Badland formations, as well as bits of the lower prairie.
Another view from the top, showing mostly Badlands, and more Badlands. There is not so much prairie visible from this vantage.
A lone hiker, visible towards the left center portion of the photo, braves the edge of the world. Climbing around on the formations is common, and often results in "butte rash", as hikers slide quickly down hill, with predictable results. 
A number of hikers can be seen towards the middle of the photo. 
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