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The 21 was introduced a few years after the ground breaking Glock 17, and 19 models in 9mm. It was thought that a pistol chambered in the all American 45 caliber, would be better received on these shores. There is something about this caliber that seems to grab American shooters by the throat and make them all misty eyed and worshipful. This is, after all, the most American of all cartridges, having been designed and created here, from the even more venerable 45 L.C. of cowboy fame. Many American shooters have never quite learned to love, or even to accept, the 9mm cartridge, and thus the charm of the Glock was lost upon them; but no longer. This was the first double column magazine capable handgun, of which I am aware, which was chambered for the 45 A.C.P. It is a bit large in the base, as might be expected; but not objectionably so. |