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Though this was all classified, during the Cold War,
it is now publicly known that the Nuclear explosives The main
obstacle to creating nuclear weapons, and to becoming a
nuclear state, is the procurement of fissionables. Only a
few fissionables are suitable for use as nuclear explosives.
Of these few, only Uranium 235, and plutonium 239 have been
made available in quantity. Even to
developed nations, like the United States, the production of
U235 is a difficult, time consuming, and very energy
intensive process. Plutonium, though more expensive, is more
easily made in quantity, particularly in reactors optimized
for it's production. This is the main reason that plutonium
tends to be used more often than U235 in bomb making.
Plutonium is quite a bit easier to get, as it is a waste
product of nuclear reactors, and it's production can also be increased by
lining the walls of a reactor with the far more abundant
U238, thus transmuting it eventually to plutonium. The
plutonium can then easily be chemically separated from the
rest of the materials. A quick and dirty rule for plutonium
production is that a 1000 MW reactor produces 1000 grams of
plutonium per day and could produce roughly enough plutonium
for one weapon every 6 days. This is a pretty big reactor,
and it would have to be set up specially for producing
plutonium, in order to get the full benefit of the yield.
Reactors designed for plutonium production tend to use
metallic fuel, and are unpressurized. Those optimized for
power production, tend to be pressurized, and use oxide fuel
pellets. Both types of design are capable of producing both,
power and plutonium.
In total, the Mechanics of Nuclear Warheads The first
nuclear reactors were graphite moderated, because a graphite
moderated reactor is capable of burning regular un-enriched
uranium. It was soon understood, however, that this was not
a suitable material for the making of atom bombs. Two
approaches were considered, and each was pursued. The first
was to try and concentrate the tiny amount of U235, existing
in regular uranium. Since chemical extraction was
impossible, the concentration would have to be increased by
taking advantage of the physical differences between U235,
and U238. This equates to a difference in weight of 1.5%. A
large plant was set up at Oak Ridge Tennessee, using a large
scale gaseous diffusion process to perform this
concentration. The code name of uranium 235 was "Oralloy",
because it was created at Oak Ridge (Oak Ridge ALLOY).
Natural uranium was called "Tuballoy". A gaseous
diffusion plant is huge, so that the material may be
processed hundreds or thousands of times, and is also a
prodigious consumer of electricity.
There was also the possibility that one of the nuclear
byproducts, of uranium reactions, would be a suitable
nuclear explosive. This element was produced when U238,
rather than U235 absorbed a neutron. This converted it into
U239, which quickly beta decays into neptunium 239. This in
turn, beta decays into the then mysterious element 94, which was
eventually to be named plutonium. This new element, even
before any was actually seen or produced, was calculated to
hold the potential to be an excellent nuclear explosive. It
also had the great advantage of lending itself to standard
chemical separation techniques. The Hanford facility was set
up, in Washington state, to produce and purify plutonium.
The advantage of plutonium was that it could be produced in
a graphite moderated reactor, and then chemically separated,
making quantity production easier, and faster. Plutonium was
code named "Copper", real copper was "Honest to God Copper". There are two
types of nuclear fission warheads, which have been built.
The gun type, as demonstrated by the old Little Boy bomb, is
pretty much considered to be obsolete. It is quite a simple
device. The other, more complex device uses explosive
lenses, and was first built as the Fat Man bomb.
For all practical purposes, the elements used in all nuclear
weapons are either uranium 235, or plutonium 239. Though it
is possible, in theory, to use any radioactive substance
with a critical mass, all of the other known radioactive
elements are either too unstable, too expensive, in too
short a supply, or a combination of these factors. Though it
is presently the favored material for the construction of
the core of a nuclear weapon, plutonium has it's own share
of disadvantages, when compared to uranium.
Unlike the
chain reactions of nuclear power generators, those suitable
to the creation of a nuclear bomb can only be caused by fast
neutrons. In order to have any chance at all of causing a
nuclear explosion, the reactions must take place in a time
frame of about 10 microseconds, rather than the 40
microsecond generations of the slow reactors. The
only way that this is even remotely possible, is by using fuel of very high purity.
Weapons grade uranium, or plutonium, have purities of 90% -
95%, of the reactive isotope. There is no such thing as a
moderated nuclear bomb. What is often overlooked is that a
nuclear bomb is a precision engineered device. Nuclear
explosions do not occur spontaneously, and nuclear explosives
can only be detonated by initiating a series of very
precisely orchestrated events, at very exact times. These
bombs work, as was mentioned above, by initiating a chain
reaction, and then holding the nuclear core (also called the
pit) together for at least 56
Figuring out the potential yield, and the time required, of
a particular pit, is easy. The splitting of
1.45x10^23 atoms will yield 1 kt, so the
splitting of 2.9x10^24 atoms will yield 20 kt, roughly the
amount of the first nuclear bombs. The number of generations
that will be required to split this many atoms may be
figured exponentially by calculating: 2.9x10^24 =
2^(n-1), which implies n = (log2 (2.9x10^24)) + 1 =
81.7 generations. So figure roughly 82 generations.
Unfortunately, this does not reflect the fact that, during
the chain reaction, the rate of change is also increasing,
thus we need calculus to get an accurate number.
the number of neutrons present in the assembly (and thus the instantaneous rate
of the fission reaction), and the number of fissions that have occurred since
the reaction began, increase at a rate proportional to e^((k-1)*(t/g)), where e
is the natural log base (2.712...), g is the average generation time (time from
neutron emission to fission capture), and t is the elapsed time. If k=2, then a
single neutron will multiply to 2.9x10^24 neutrons (and splitting the same
number of atoms) in roughly 56 shakes (560 nanoseconds), yielding 20 kilotons of
energy. This is one-third less time than the previous approximate calculation.
Due to the exponential rate of increase, at any point in the chain reaction 99%
of the energy will have been released in the last 4.6 generations. It is a
reasonable approximation to think of the first 53 generations as a latency
period leading up to the actual explosion, which only takes 3-4 generations.
Taking this a step further them, a tamper, which can hold the core together for
another 46 nanoseconds, can increase yield by 99 times. The entire yield of the
bomb is a direct result of the number of generations of reaction that can be
Anything that will increase the time that the fissionable core
stays together, or decrease the
time of a generation of fissions, will cause an
increase in bomb yield. There are essentially two known ways to increase the efficiency of a
nuclear bomb. Ways can be found to hold the pit together
longer, so that there will be time for more generations of
reactions to occur, or
ways can be found to make the reactions go more quickly. Of
the two, the easiest, and most effective is to make the
reactions go faster. This, in turn, may be accomplished in
two ways. The first is to compress the core, so that the
atoms are closer together. This happens as a matter of
course in an implosion type bomb (Fat Man), and is the main
reason that this type is so much more efficient than the gun
type. If compression forces the atoms to half of their
ordinary distance, then the generation time will be cut in
half, and twice as many generations will occur in the same
amount of time.
regular high explosive, adding more uranium, or plutonium, to the bomb, will not
necessarily make a fission explosion larger. It is the amount of material
actually fissioned,
which produces the yield of the bomb. This is, in turn, determined by how
quickly each generation can be made to occur, how many different starting points
there are, and how long the pit can be held together in super criticality. In a
core that has been compressed to quadruple density, which is standard for a
modern implosive type bomb, thus crowding the atoms closer together. Though the
pit quickly begins to expand, and then blow itself apart, during the period of
maximum compression, a shake takes 2.5 nanoseconds, rather than the more normal
10. Adding more material, in a pure fission
device, will only increase yield, if the integrity of the core can be maintained
for enough generations to make the amount of fissile material the limiting
The compression created by the explosive
lenses in a Fat Man type of bomb, occurs very rapidly, typically taking 1000 to
4000 nanoseconds. The period of maximum compression lasts less than 1000
nanoseconds. Recall that the cascade of fissions for a 20kt bomb needs 56
generations, which would take 560ns. This does not leave much margin for error,
and leaves little room for chance. Because of this, nuclear weapons do not rely
entirely on the normal spontaneous release of neutrons, from the pit. Instead,
at the split second at, or just before, maximum compression, neutrons are
injected into the pit.
reactions may also be made to go faster, by introducing more
neutrons. This approach is known as boosting.
Boosting generally works by having a material which injects
extra neutrons into the core, during the explosion, or
reflects neutrons back, which would otherwise have escaped.
With more neutrons in play, more reactions occur, at any
given time. The most favored boosting materials are tritium,
and possibly a mixture of polonium, and beryllium. These can
be used to greatly boost yields, and are the secret to the
adjustable yield bomb. Many warheads can have their yields
changed in the field, by adjusting the type or amount of
boosting material injected,
The main drawback to using
polonium is it's short half life of 138 days. Due to this, polonium quickly
looses it's radioactive punch. The technique presently used, is to inject a
combination of tritium, and deuterium into the hollow central portion of the
pit. Once detonation takes place, the shock wave causes these two isotopes of
hydrogen to fuse. During the fusion, huge numbers of neutrons are given off, as
well as a bit of heat and pressure. Only about four grams of materials are
injected, and the fusion reaction is not powerful enough to add significantly to
the power of the bomb. The neutrons given off are enough to significantly
increase the speed of the chain reaction, and to fission a considerably larger
amount of the fissile pit, thus greatly increasing the efficiency of the
explosion. The magnitude of the effect can be seen by noting the yields of the
adjustable yield warheads. Boosting is reputed to be able to confer a 2 to 25
fold increase in yield over the same pit and weapon design, not employing
boosting materials. The first tritium boosted weapon was the Item device,
detonated in 1951 as part of the Greenhouse series. The boosting gas is
generally pumped into the center of the pit through the cone which levitates the
inner portion of the pit. It may also be forced into the space between the inner
and outer spheres. Yields can also
be increased by reflecting neutrons back into the core, or
by constructing a bomb casing which will hold the core
together for just a few more microseconds. A good tamper can accomplish both. If you figure that every generation of
fission can more than double the yield of the bomb, and each
generation takes only nanoseconds, it becomes obvious that
a casing that will hold together for just a few fractions of
a second can make a great difference in yield. Often, inner
casings are made of beryllium, or uranium 238, both of which
are hard, heavy, and reflect neutrons. In the case of U238,
there is an additional bonus. During a thermonuclear explosion
(discussed in more detail below),
depleted uranium (U238) can be transmuted into various
nuclear explosives, and actually add to the yield of the
bomb, even to the extent that it can contribute a major
portion of the ultimate yield.
Once the chain
reaction begins, escaping neutrons will be reflected back into the core by the
tamper. After about 1% of the pit has fissioned, the tritium/deuterium boosting
gas will begin to fuse, creating a huge amount of neutrons, and adding a
significant amount of heat and pressure, to the already very energetic early
reaction environment. At this time, the core will still be compressing, even
though nuclear reactions have already begun; but soon enough the heat and
explosive force will begin to retard compression, and begin a process of
expansion. When the core expands to a point, where it's density will no longer
support a chain reaction, no more energy is released. In order to extend the
energy release, and increase bomb yield, the tamper is designed to hold the core
together as long as possible. Though the perceived explosion may go on for many
seconds, this is simply the bomb transferring the already released energy to the
environment. Once the pit density is no longer sufficient to support a chain
reaction, energy release stops. Uranium, and plutonium
are exceptionally difficult metals with which to work. Both are hard, chemically
volatile, radioactive, and highly toxic. In addition, they must be carefully
monitored, and surrounded by as tight a security system as is possible to
devise. Once the pit has been painstakingly machined, then the rest of the bomb
must be produced, around it. The rest of the bomb consists of the precision
explosive lenses, the very advanced triggering and timing circuits, as well as
the tampers, reflectors, neutron sources, and boosting devices. As there are
very few pure fission bombs in the arsenal, there will also be a second stage,
with a fusion device, as described below. Then there will be the safety devices,
the security components, and the various coded arming systems. Because of all of
these factors, a single nuclear warhead will cost tens of millions of dollars.
Only a wealthy state can afford to be a nuclear power. Fusion Weapons The most
effective way to increase the yield of a nuclear weapon, and
the most cost effective, is
to initiate a fusion reaction. This can be done in many
ways, and was initially done using liquid hydrogen. Today's
fusion warheads, also known as thermonuclear devices, use
solids, such a lithium, or lithium deuteride, to provide
hydrogen fuel through transmutation. These are set off,
through the use of a standard fission bomb, which acts as a
trigger. Today, such warheads are being made very small, and
very powerful. Rather than breaking up large nuclei, fusion
weapons work by merging small nuclei, in the case of the
modern thermonuclear warhead, hydrogen is fused into helium. For it’s weight, a
fission explosive produces 12.5 million times the power of a chemical explosive.
A fusion explosive produces another 8 times this total, or approximately 100
million times that which could be produced by chemical explosive actions. It
should also be noted that nuclear materials (uranium, plutonium) are exceedingly
dense. Soon after the
successful testing, and production of uranium/plutonium atom bombs, it was
thought desirable to pursue the development of hydrogen bombs. There were a
number of reasons for this. In theory, a hydrogen bomb could be made far more
powerful. Though the power of fission bombs was being increased (up to a high of
500kt), there were limits to how long an expanding core could be contained, and
thus to the number of chain reaction generations, and the ultimate yield of the
bomb. Such limits were much higher on a fusion bomb. Indeed, if the Sun is
considered to be an immense hydrogen bomb, note might be taken that it features
no containment at all (well, technically, it's very high gravity is acting as a
tamper), and is still burning, after billions of years. There was
also the matter of the high cost of fissionables. It was thought that a fusion
bomb could be made more powerful, and for considerably less money, than a bomb
of similar yield, but more conventional design. Nuclear fusion is what
powers the stars. It is the conversion of hydrogen in to helium. In really
large, old or violent stars, it can convert helium into even heavier atoms,
including uranium. It gives off
huge amounts of energy, as the evidence of our own sun indicates; but the
reaction can only occur under conditions of great heat and pressure. From the
beginning, scientists, and bomb designers concurred, that the only way to make
such a device work, was by providing the necessary initial energy through the
use of a fission bomb. The fission bomb would be known as the primary, while the
fusion stage would be called the secondary. The primary would be used as a
trigger to set off the secondary, just as the conventional explosive lenses, and
neutron generators are used to set of the primary. Still, quite a task was
laid before them. Hydrogen can be an exceptionally difficult gas with which to work.
It is quite explosive, very light, and is difficult to contain. In addition,
it's density is very low. It seemed that the only way to get sufficient amounts,
and sufficient density, would be to go with liquid hydrogen. Such a device was
exploded in 1952; but hardly qualified as a bomb. The Ivy Mike device was
constructed on Eniwetok Atoll, taken from Japan after the Second World War. It's
detonation obliterated an entire island. The Mike The Mike device not
only demonstrated the viability of a fusion weapon; but also the possibility of
significant cost savings, and yield increases through the use of U238 as a
tamper, and mantle. This isotope had formerly been considered as a waste
product; but it was now discovered that it could be made to release nuclear
energy, during a fusion explosion. The five ton U238 mantle produced 77% of the
device's yield. So many neutrons were given off, during the fusion reaction,
that nearly any amount of U238 could be set in place, as the mantle, and be
fissioned to release energy. This created the potential to produce a bomb of any
size desired, using the relatively cheap U238 as fuel. This would be an
exceptionally dirty bomb, as there would be considerable fallout from the
leftover mantle; but in war, such things are rarely considerations. Still, a way
had to be found to scale the size and weight down, and make the bomb more
reliable, and storable.
Such a device, called a "dry"
H-bomb was first tested in 1954. The predicted, and hoped for yield, was 6mt,
and it was called the Shrimp, probably due to a size comparison with the
gigantic Mike device. The Shrimp weighed 23,500 pounds, and is shown in the
photo to the left. Shrimp that it may have been, the device was still fifteen
feet long, and over four feet wide (actual dimensions were 179.5" x 53.9"), in
addition to weighing over ten tons. The device used lithium deuteride, as the
fuel for the secondary, and had a mantle of uranium 238. The lithium had been
enriched to around 40% lithium-6, as this was determined to be more amenable to
fissioning into hydrogen than the more common lithium-7. This may very well have
been correct; but as it turned out, it was irrelevant. Designers would have
preferred a much higher proportion of lithium-6; but separation plants for
isotopes of lithium had just been constructed, and more highly enriched supplies
were not yet available. There was another test device, called the "Runt", which
used an even even lower quality lithium, enriched to only 7.5%. The Runt test
was almost cancelled, due to very grave doubts, as to the possibility of fusion
occurring at such a low level of enrichment. The Runt was predicted to
have a yield of 4 mt, if it worked at all. Like the Shrimp, the Runt had a heavy
mantle of U238. Instead of a 6mt yield,
detonation of the Shrimp produced an 15mt explosion, using it's only partially
enriched lithium. This was, unintentionally, the largest United States
atmospheric test. The 4mt Runt, which used lithium that Though the
discoveries made by the Shrimp, and Runt shots were a great boon to weapon
designers, they came as a pretty unpleasant surprise to the men working the
shots. The increased yield also came as a pretty unpleasant surprise to the
inhabitants of a number of Pacific islands, which suddenly needed to be
evacuated. dangerous levels of radiation traveled as far as 300 miles away. The
shrimp was the largest nuclear warhead every tested by the U.S., though this was
not by design. Today, pretty much every weapon in the U.S. arsenal is based upon
this design, though there has been considerable effort made to lighten and
increase the efficiency of the basic design. A typical modern warhead is
diagramed in the image below. It is a gravity bomb warhead; but the designs of
SLBMs and ICBMs follow along
the same line, with some differences in detail. While the original dry
deployable warheads appear to have used a cylindrical secondary, and spherical
primary, many modern thermonuclear warheads use spherical secondary's, and, ellipsoid
primaries. Still, the basic theory of operation remains the same. Please note
that this is inferred by scientists and engineers, and that nowhere does the
government publish any official documentation regarding the structure, or
function of nuclear warheads. The first stage in
the detonation of a thermonuclear bomb, is the triggering of the primary. A primary is a boosted fission
device, basically a standard atom bomb, with a yield of around 5kt. Un-boosted, such a primary would have a yield
of around .2 kt. In the diagram to the left, the primary is at the top; you
might recognize it, by comparison to the standard fission bomb warhead, show
towards the top of this section. . The primary produces heat, radiation, and pressure,
enough to start the secondary. Note that the boosted yield is 25 times the
unboosted yield. The first stage is the trigger; but as most of the yield of the
warhead will come from subsequent reactions, it need not be particularly
powerful, nor particularly efficient. Note also, the dial a yield control, which
controls the amount of boosting material, and thsu the ultimate yield of the
bomb. In the early hydrogen bombs,
the fusion portion, known as the secondary, was a large cylinder. Early on it
had been thought, or at any rate hoped, that merely putting fusionables in
proximity to the that and pressure of a nuclear explosion would do the trick. It
turned out be a bit more complicated. In the design finally made operational,
the fusion stage consists of layers of lithium 6-deuteride fusion fuel, encased
within a mantle of U238. In the cylindrical design, a part of the fission energy
from the trigger is channeled down an internal tube of Pu239 or U235, called a
spark plug. Often, the spark plug is encased in a pusher of U238 or U235. the
secondary is the long cylinder shown below the primary in the diagram above.
This spark plug ignites, creating heat, pressure, and a cascade of neutrons to
transmute lithium into deuterium, or tritium. While the spark plug is
igniting on the inside of the secondary, High energy X-rays are concentrated to
make a high pressure plasma of the polystyrene foam surrounding the outside of
the secondary. This compresses the fusion fuel and inner spark plug tube and its
pusher, both fissioning, creates conditions to convert the lithium-6 fusion fuel
component into tritium which then fuses with the deuteride under the intense
pressures created by the outer plasma and inner spark plug fission reactions.
Once the fusion reaction begins, it sustains itself pretty well, creating enough
heat and pressure to burn up a large amount of it's fuel. In addition, it
produces huge numbers of neutrons. These neutrons are present in sufficient
numbers, with sufficient energy, to transmute, and then fission the surrounding
mantle of uranium 238, even without a tamper. So though adding more fissionable
material to a standard fission bomb would not increase yield unless the bomb was
sufficiently contained, adding material to the mantle of a hydrogen bomb will
continue to increase yield, up to the point where the neutrons generated by the
fusion reaction are no longer sufficient to completely fission all of the
These fission-fusion-fission processes deployed in a thermonuclear warhead can
be cascaded by increasing the number of blanket wraps in the fusion-fission
stage. Bomb designers can calculate, from the known amount of neutrons generated
by a given yield of fusion reaction, just how much U238 can be consumed in the
mantle. The largest nuclear weapons ever produced are of this type. The 50 MT
Tsar Bomba detonated by the Soviets was such a weapon. It was designed to have a
yield as high as 100 MT. Variable Yield, and other Advanced Feature Warheads As was mentioned
above, the Soviet Tsar Bomba was a variable yield bomb. many
modern bombs are designed to have their yields changed,
either through Yields in modern
warheads are adjusted by a system of boosting gas regulation, and through a
system of adding and removing panels, rings, and donuts of U238 from around the
mantle. Change of the removable mantle sections is not easily accomplished in
the field, and is generally done ahead of time at forward bases, or before deployment. This system gives a
considerable amount of flexibility to the field commander for tactical use.
Yields can be set according to proximity of friendly troops, or amount of damage
desired. For strategic use, or retribution, it may be assumed that maximum yield
is always used. In addition to variable
yield, the advent of the ICBM, and SLBM made warhead weight an important factor.
Available bombers were (and are) capable of carrying huge bomb loads,
particularly with development of in-air fueling. Missiles, particularly
submarine launched missiles, were different. The SLBM had to be made small
enough to fit in a submarine of reasonable size. It was also desirable to have
the capacity of a number of missiles aboard each boat. The original Polaris subs
held 16 missiles each. These missiles, in addition to their size and weight
constraints, also needed to be capable of enough range, so that a sub could hit
a useful target from out in the ocean. What this meant was a rather low payload,
compared to what a bomber could carry. Smaller, lighter warheads were needed.
When cruise missiles were developed, an even smaller warhead was required.
Suddenly, it was weight and size that mattered, rather than amount of
fissionable used. Some of these advanced
fusion designs include encapsulated tritium-deuterium to accelerate the lithium-
dueteride reaction through a lithium hydride or beryllium moderator. Though it
is impossible to make a moderated fission bomb, moderation can be used to
improve the efficiency of a fusion bomb, and greatly increase the neutron
production of the secondary. This permits the fission of much larger U235
mantles, and makes for a far more powerful bomb. In a single stage fusion design
of this type, if the U235 mantle is omitted, the high energy fusion neutrons are
directly released. The result is called a neutron bomb. Use of materials other
than U235 in the mantle, is known as salting, and would produce a bomb deadly
beyond imagining, though with much less destructive force. If this sounds like a
contradiction, it is not. Salted bombs were also known as Doomsday Weapons, and
have never been produced by any nation. A salted bomb uses a non fissionable
material in the mantle. When such a material is exposed to the high energy
neutron flux produced by this type of secondary, it does not add to the energy
of the explosion, as a U235 mantle would. Instead, it becomes radioactive, and
is spread as fallout. The
radioactive isotope produced depends upon the original material used. The stereotypical
doomsday weapon, is the cobalt bomb. This would be a thermonuclear bomb, with
enhanced neutron production, as described in the With the end of nuclear
testing, it is unlikely that any new nuclear weapon designs are forthcoming any
time soon. America presently has over 100 tons of plutonium, from
which to make weapon pits, as well as something like 1000 tons of weapons grade
uranium. A typical pit takes from 9 to 13 pounds of material,
though some can take up to several times this amount. Many new designs have been
proposed, and have been proven through computer simulation; but it is only a
matter of time until the tests resume. Effects of Nuclear Weapons
The effects of nuclear weapons are horrible beyond
description, and I say this as a supporter of nuclear
weaponry, and of nuclear power. The destructive effects come
in several stages, according to the speed with which the
energy released can be transferred across the environment.
The actual energy release takes place in a fraction of a
second, and is all over by the time any effects are noticed.
Within 500ns - 1000ns, the reactions are over, and all of
the energy has been released. It is the transference of this quickly released energy,
which we observe as the effects of the explosion.
First comes the photon induced radiation, traveling away
from the core of the nuclear reaction, at the speed of
light. This consists of gamma rays as well as X-rays, and an
intense flash of light. The flash is so powerful that it is
capable of causing blindness at 30 miles away, for a present
day nuke. Watching films of atomic tests, shows how amazing
this phase of the explosion can be. Even for the 20kt
Trinity device, considered a very small nuke by today's
standards, and not even employing a thermonuclear stage, an
observer was blinded at 10 miles away. The initial flash can
cause third degree burns many miles from the explosion site.
Test films show paint burning off of cars, houses, and other
structures. Anything that can burn, will burst into flames,
including clothing. Anything that can melt will show signs
of melting. If you are wearing polyester clothing, it will
melt to your body, even if you are miles from the explosion. Then
there is the blast. The effects of a nuclear blast have to
be seen to be believed. This is not just the bang, of a
conventional explosion, which lasts for a fraction of a
second. The blast, and overpressure from a nuclear explosion
is more like a howling wind, or a super hurricane, and seems
never to stop. It is so powerful, that it actually creates a
vacuum, as the air is blown out from around it's center.
Eventually, the pressure subsides, and the air rushes back
to fill the vacuum. You can see this effect on the old
nuclear test films, where the blast seems to move first in
one direction, and then the other. For
certain types of weapons, the blast is preceded by a burst
of neutrons. Much other radiation is given off by a nuclear
detonation; but most does not travel very far from ground
zero. Alpha and beta particles do not travel very far, even
when ejected from a nuclear explosion. Alpha particles
generally travel at about 0.6 the speed of light, while beta
particles only attain about a tenth of light speed. Still,
this is a considerable amount of speed and energy. For the
most part, alpha and beta particles are stopped pretty
quickly; but their energy does not just go away. It is
transferred to the surrounding environment, as they are
neutralized by it. Neutrons travel quite a it farther,
usually many miles, and will seriously affect any living
thing in their path. Finally, there is
fallout. This is simply the rain of radioactive dust, particles and debris,
which are produced by the fission reaction, the stream of neutrons, and
irradiation from other radiation at the site of the explosion. Part of the
fallout will also consist of the fission particles from the core explosion
itself, and any irradiated and not fissioned pats of the actual bomb and bomb
casing. It can take as long as several hours for fallout to descend, to reach a
given area, and these particles can remain lethal for days or weeks afterwards.
This was the reason for the home shelters, so popular in the fifties, and early
sixties. A nuclear attack is a nightmare, in every detail. Longevity and nuclear stockpiles The frustrating
thing about producing and particularly about maintaining
nuclear warheads, is the chameleon like quality of all of
the materials being used. This These warheads do not remain viable
forever, particularly if they are boosted. Recall that
boosting is done, largely, via the insertion of tritium.
With a half life of a bit over twelve years, tritium needs
to be replaced periodically. Even more critical are the
polonium/beryllium packages used as neutron triggers, or
initiators. Polonium has a half life of a bit over 138 days.
Solutions have been found for some of these problems.
Neutrons can now be generated though electronic assemblies,
and are no longer necessarily dependant upon the half lives
of isotopes. Even this, though, is only a partial solution. The materials of
the core pit itself, undergo change, particularly of
plutonium fueled warheads. Many people are
under the impression that nuclear weapons can be stockpiled,
and kept in readiness forever. This is not quite true. Most
of today's nuclear warheads use plutonium as a nuclear
explosive, and thus have shelf lives of between one and
three decades. Because of this, they need constant
attention. Plutonium gives off quite a bit of heat, and
radiation, which causes the explosive lenses around the pit
to degrade. These lenses must be replaced. As plutonium
decays, it produces unwanted impurities, which compromise
its usefulness as an explosive. From time to time, plutonium
weapon pits need to be replaced, and their plutonium
recycled and purified. All of these materials have a nightmarish
quality for anyone who must work with or around them. They
are also very demanding of other materials with which they
are combined to form nuclear devices. The same
instability which permits plutonium pits to be a quarter the
weight of uranium pits, also means that the quicker decay
introduces more impurities, more quickly. In particular,
P240, and Americinium 241 begin to build up. These elements
have the dual disadvantages of making the pit both more
radioactive, and less reliable. In addition to
radioactivity, plutonium pits give off quite a bit of heat.
A plutonium pit has a normal temperature of around 400
degrees. This, along with the radiation, degrades the
explosive lenses, which need periodic replacement. The odd numbered isotope, plutonium-241, is also a highly
undesirable isotope as it decays to americium-241 which is
an intense emitter of alpha particles, X and gamma rays.
Plutonium-241 has a half-life of 13.2 years which means
americium-241 accumulates quickly causing serious handling
problems. Eventually, the pit itself will need to be
removed, and reprocessed, to purify the plutonium. This is
why the idea of weapon stockpiles, and the fear of old
former Soviet weapons is a bit misleading. These devices
need constant attention, and periodic inspections, as well
as component replacement. to remain viable. Fusion fuel in
the secondary's will keep for a long time,
fission fuel in the primaries will not.
Because of its larger critical mass, and the difficulty in
purifying it to weapons grade levels, uranium 235 was
seen as somewhat less desirable, by weapons designers, in favor of plutonium,
which was initially easier to accumulate, and could be used to make
smaller lighter warheads; but now the emphasis seems to be
changing. With decades of constant operation, American
gaseous diffusion plants have actually produced far more U235, than the amounts
of plutonium produced by our reactors. In part, this is due to the difficulty of
licensing for new reactor production. Because of this, we now have something
like ten times the amount of U235, than our stockpile of plutonium. So we are
seeing much more use of uranium primary's, or uranium/plutonium composite
primary's. Plutonium has been favored because it is possible to make a plutonium
pit of a quarter the size and weight of a corresponding uranium pit; but uranium
has it's own set of advantages. Uranium 235 is far more stable than plutonium 239,
meaning that warheads can go for much longer periods of
time, without being recycled. When the Minuteman missiles
were designed in the sixties, they were given thermonuclear
warheads with uranium core triggers. This was because the
Minuteman was designed to be lowered into its silo, and then
left alone, with no maintenance crew, for years at a time.
As we are no longer in a race with the Soviets, and have a
pretty comfortable margin compared to any possible enemy, we
are once again considering large scale use of uranium
weapons. We have also, by now, accumulated a pretty good
stock of U235, more than enough to maintain our present
stock of nuclear weapons. When U235 decays, it transmutes
into Thorium, which can be chemically separated and
transmuted into U233, a potent fissionable, for possible use
in reactors, or perhaps even in a new line of nuclear
weapons. Unlike uranium 235 and
238 (which decay into thorium - from which chemical separation is relatively
easy), when
plutonium 239 ages, it decays into other forms of plutonium. The even numbered isotopes (plutonium-238, 240 and 242)
fission spontaneously producing high energy neutrons and a
lot of heat. In fact, the neutron and gamma dose from this
material is significant and the heat generated in this way
would melt the high-explosive material needed to compress
the critical mass prior to initiation. The neutrons can also
initiate a premature chain reaction thus reducing the
explosive yield, typically to a few percent of the nominal
yield, sometimes called the "fizzle yield". Such physical
characteristics make aging plutonium extremely difficult to
manipulate and control. With a half life of roughly 24,000 years, these changes
occur much more rapidly, than in uranium 235 with it's 710 million year half
like, or U238 with it's 4.5 billion year half life. So in addition to becoming
much more difficult with age, plutonium ages much more rapidly that uranium. In
the photo above, I am
standing next to a pair of casings for modern nuclear
warheads. These devices are 15 - 20 times more powerful than
those developed for WWII, and only weigh a few hundred
pounds. The power to weight ration of these is around 1 kt
per pound, as compared to that of the Fat man bomb, which
was around 1 kt per hundred pounds. The casings are obviously only mock ups, probably
made of aluminum. In real life, these casings would be lined
with uranium 238, which would have turned black due to its
reactivity, and rapid oxidation upon exposure to the
air. The diagram above, gives details as to the internal
workings of these warheads. One kilogram is equivalent to about 22
million kilowatt hours of heat energy. The complete
detonation of a kilogram of plutonium produces an explosion
equal to about 20,000 tons of chemical explosive. |
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