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The Milwaukee Air Expo 05
The Red Baron Team
The Red Baron Pizza stunt flying team, or a couple of their members at any rate. According to the announcer, the two favorite things in the life of these men are pizza, and flying. Though these are not the same two things that I would have chosen, there are worse choices.

Stearman 75
Gross weight 2950 lbs.
Fuel:46 gal. (gravity feed, 4-7 gal not available in flight)
Oil:4.4 gal.
Power Off Stall Speed:55 mph (48 kts)
Power On Stall Speed51 mph (44 kts)
Do not exceed speed:186 mph (163 kts)
Max Cruise Speed: 130 mph
Fuel consumption:12-13 gal./hour
Endurance:3.4 hours
Maximum Range:300 sm
Service Ceiling:13,300 ft.
Rate of Climb:1500 ft./min.
Take-Off Distance:600 ft.
Landing Distance:300-500 ft.
Appearing like something out of the First World War, this aircraft is actually a product of  WWII. This was the plane which trained the entire generation of military pilots who won the Second World War. The specifications given above are representative, but are hardly all inclusive. This plane had many variants, and was extensively modified by civilian owners, and stunt teams after the war.

Some shots of the Red Barons in action
These classic biplanes are war surplus trainers which have been modified, and upgraded with more powerful engines. These photos are from the early show, which consisted of two planes. A four plane show will be featured latter in the day, right before the performance of the Blue Angels.

The Red Baron is back
but this time it is the whole team.

All four members of the Red Baron Pizza team, come back to prime us for the Blue Angels.

All four members of the squadron do a loop, in formation. The sights and sounds of the old biplanes were like something out of the barnstorming days.

The Red Baron Pizza team tells us how they truly feel. A big heart is made in the sky. The announcer claimed that this was for the benefit of the woman who makes all of the travel arrangements for the team.

The Barons come pretty close to earth, nearly skimming the waves in a mock dog fight.
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