This site went on line May 23rd 1999. The update
history will start at the August 1999 update.
I try to update or add material every month, but am
often late. I am also, slowly changing some of my photo pages
(mostly in the Travel section) to better compose themselves at the
higher resolutions now being used by many computers. They were
originally designed at 800x600, but 1024x768, is now getting to be
a default resolution, and it can unfavorably change the look of
some of my pages. These changes will be made slowly, to existing
pages, as I find the time. I am about to purchase Adobe GoLive,
and plan to enhance this site quite a bit, over the coming year. I
also plan on, to borrow a phrase from our esteemed politicians,
revising and extending my remarks. This would primarily by about
my firearms. I had initially just wanted to get the specs and the
photos up, and did not go into as much detail as I would have
liked. I have already done something of the sort on my Calico, Dan
Wesson, Thompson, and Para Ordnance pages, and would like to
give all of my firearms this level of coverage.
In the works
* Waiting to die * Zion National Park * Ham radio accessories
* Velocity and Barrel Length * High tech, then and now * 45
carbines * Psychology * Race * Democracy * Alaska *
Night Photography * Stereo Photography * Panoramas * National
train day * Harley 105th * Milwaukee Air and Water show * Mackinac
(In the last year or so)
21st, 2024